Data Analytics Data Analytics In Recruitment

Using Data Analytics to Improve Recruitment Outcomes

August 26, 20243 min read

In today’s fast-paced recruitment world, relying on intuition alone just won’t cut it. Data analytics is here to transform the way recruitment agencies make decisions, optimise processes, and improve hiring results.

What is Data Analytics in Recruitment?

Data analytics in recruitment involves collecting and analysing data from various sources such as applicant tracking systems (ATS), job boards, and social media. By interpreting this data, recruiters can gain insights into every step of their hiring process, from sourcing candidates to onboarding.

Benefits of Data Analytics in Recruitment

1. Enhanced Candidate Sourcing

Data analytics helps identify which sourcing channels bring in the best candidates. By analysing data from job boards and social media, you can focus on the most effective platforms and allocate your resources wisely.

2. Improved Candidate Screening

Create accurate candidate profiles by examining the traits and qualifications of successful hires. Data-driven personas help you screen and shortlist candidates more effectively, ensuring a higher quality of hire.

3. Optimised Recruitment Processes

Spot inefficiencies and bottlenecks in your recruitment cycle by analysing time-to-hire data. Streamline processes to speed up hiring and enhance overall efficiency.

4. Better Candidate Experience

Use feedback and engagement data to refine the candidate journey. Insights into how candidates interact with your process help you make adjustments to improve satisfaction and reduce drop-off rates.

5. Predictive Analytics for Hiring Success

Leverage historical data to predict which candidates are most likely to succeed. By analysing past performance and qualifications, you can make informed hiring decisions that lead to better outcomes.

Key Metrics to Track

1. Time to Hire

Measure the average time from job posting to offer. Tracking this helps identify delays and improve process efficiency.

2. Cost per Hire

Understand the total cost of hiring a new employee, including advertising and recruitment expenses, to manage your budget effectively.

3. Quality of Hire

Evaluate the performance of new hires to gauge the success of your hiring decisions. Look at performance reviews, retention rates, and productivity.

4. Source of Hire

Track where your best candidates come from—whether job boards, social media, or referrals—to optimise your sourcing strategies.

How We Can Help

As a Microsoft specialist Managed Service Provider (MSP), we can boost your recruitment outcomes with data analytics. Here’s how:

1. Optimising with Microsoft Power BI

Power BI allows you to visualise and analyse your recruitment data in real time. We’ll help you set up and customise dashboards to track crucial metrics, giving you actionable insights for better decision-making.

2. Implementing Secure Data Solutions

Data security is vital. We use Microsoft 365 and Azure Security to protect your candidate information, ensuring compliance with regulations like GDPR and safeguarding against breaches.

3. Integrating Microsoft Technologies

From scalable data storage with Azure to efficient team collaboration with Microsoft Teams, we integrate Microsoft technologies to streamline your recruitment processes and improve efficiency.

4. Providing Support and Training

We offer ongoing support and training for your team to maximise the benefits of Power BI and other Microsoft tools, ensuring smooth operation and resolving any technical issues.


Data analytics is revolutionising recruitment, offering valuable insights that enhance sourcing, screening, and overall hiring effectiveness. With our expertise in Microsoft products and data security, we can help you leverage these insights to stay ahead of the competition and achieve recruitment success. Give us a shout to see how we can transform your recruitment process with data-driven solutions.

Operations Director at On IT

Tye Clark

Operations Director at On IT

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