Cloud-to-Cloud Backup

Do You Need Cloud-to-Cloud Backup?

June 12, 20241 min read
Cloud2Cloud Backup

In today’s digital landscape, Software as a Service (SaaS) applications have become integral to business operations. Whether it’s Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, Salesforce, Box, or Dropbox, organisations rely on these platforms for collaboration, communication, and data storage. However, with great convenience comes great responsibility.

To see a full overview of our solution, click here: On IT - Cloud-to-Cloud Backup Letter.pdf

Why Is SaaS Data Protection Essential?

  1. Comprehensive Protection: Our cloud-to-cloud backup solution offers centralized management, granular restore options, rapid recovery, and flexible retention policies. It ensures that your critical data remains safe and accessible.

  2. The Shared Responsibility Model: SaaS vendors emphasize the importance of data protection. While they secure the infrastructure, users are responsible for safeguarding their own data. That’s where our backup service steps in.

  3. Cyber Threats and Business Continuity: The rise of remote work has amplified the risk of malware, ransomware attacks, and accidental deletions. Without proper backup, businesses face downtime, financial losses, and reputational damage.

Supported Platforms

Our solution covers Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, Salesforce, Box, and Dropbox. Whether you’re a small business or an enterprise, our cloud-to-cloud backup ensures cyber resilience and peace of mind.

Supported Platforms

Stay tuned for more insights on data protection, best practices, and success stories. Your SaaS data deserves the best defence!

Operations Director at On IT

Tye Clark

Operations Director at On IT

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